What are essential Oils?

Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in bark, seeds, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants. They are 50-70% more powerful than herbs and they are highly concentrated. They are a safe, affordable and effective alternative to many synthetic products / recipes.

Why doTerra essential oils?

Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone's talking about essential oils?

I've learned that there IS a huge difference in quality and effectiveness between brands. Cheap does not mean better, and it’s important to know where and how your oils came to be.

I feel confident using doTerra because they are completely transparent in their practices and sources. I choose doTERRA for the certification in the purity of their oils: Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG).

I am in complete alignment with their co-impact sourcing model which means they source the oils from places where they naturally thrive using ethical and sustainable practices while supporting local farmers.

doTERRA are leaving places better than they found them.

